How to Fix Error Code 41: Printer Not Activated?

Error code 41 is a common issue that can occur when trying to print a document. This error message typically indicates that the printer is not activated, preventing you from printing anything. Fortunately, there are several solutions you can try to fix error code 41 and get your printer up and running again.

Causes of Error Code 41: Printer Not Activated

Error code 41 is a common issue that users may encounter when attempting to print from their computers. This error message indicates that the printer is not activated, and it can occur due to various reasons. Some of the common causes of error code 41 are:

  1. Corrupted Printer Driver: The printer driver is software that connects the printer to your computer. If the printer driver is corrupted or outdated, it can cause error code 41.

  2. Windows Registry Issues: The Windows Registry is a database that stores configuration settings and options for the operating system and applications. If there are issues with the Windows Registry, it can cause the printer to stop working correctly.

  3. Virus or Malware Infections: Virus or malware infections can damage or corrupt system files, including printer drivers, causing error code 41.

  4. Outdated or Incorrect Printer Drivers: If the printer drivers are outdated or incorrect, the printer may not function properly, resulting in error code 41.

  5. Printer Spooler Service Issues: The Print Spooler is a Windows service that manages print jobs sent to a printer. If there are issues with the printer spooler service, it can cause error code 41.

  6. Hardware Issues: Issues with the printer hardware, such as a defective or damaged printer cable, can cause error code 41.

  7. Conflicting Applications: Sometimes, third-party applications or services can conflict with the printer drivers, causing error code 41.

Identifying the cause of the error code 41 is essential to resolve the issue and get the printer back to working correctly.

Understanding Error Code 41

Before we dive into the solutions, it's essential to understand what error code 41 means. This error code typically indicates that the printer driver is damaged or corrupted, preventing the printer from activating properly. Other potential causes include issues with the printer port, an outdated printer driver, or conflicts with other software on your computer.

Solution 1: Restart Your Computer and Printer

One of the simplest solutions to try when encountering error code 41 is to restart your computer and printer. Sometimes, a simple reset can fix the issue and get your printer working again. Here's how to do it:

  1. Turn off your printer and unplug it from the power source.
  2. Shut down your computer and wait a few seconds.
  3. Plug in your printer and turn it on.
  4. Start your computer and try printing again.

Solution 2: Update Printer Drivers

As mentioned earlier, outdated printer drivers can cause error code 41. Updating your printer drivers can often fix the issue. Here's how to update your printer drivers:

  1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type "devmgmt.msc" and press Enter to open Device Manager.
  3. Expand the "Printers" category and right-click on your printer.
  4. Select "Update driver" and follow the on-screen prompts to install any available updates.

Solution 3: Check Printer Ports

If the above solutions don't work, check your printer's ports to ensure they're properly configured. Follow these steps:

  1. Click the Windows button and type "Devices and Printers" in the search bar.
  2. Right-click on your printer and select "Printer properties."
  3. Click the "Ports" tab and ensure the correct port is selected.
  4. Click "Apply" and try printing again.

Solution 4: Run Printer Troubleshooter

Finally, if none of the above solutions work, you can try running the built-in printer troubleshooter. Here's how:

  1. Click the Windows button and type "Troubleshoot" in the search bar.
  2. Select "Troubleshoot settings" and scroll down to "Printers."
  3. Click "Run the troubleshooter" and follow the on-screen prompts.

The troubleshooter will identify any issues with your printer and attempt to fix them automatically.


Error code 41 can be frustrating, but with these solutions, you can fix the issue and get your printer working again. Try each solution in order until you find one that works for you. If none of these solutions work, you may need to contact your printer manufacturer's support team for further assistance.

  •  Nikhil Saini
  •  Brand: Printer
  •  Last Update: 04 Jan 2024

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